What our Customers say...

General Testimonials

We never knew that services like this were available. Having someone show up within hours to seal the area and clean up was amazing. The guys were so kind, helpful and thoughtful. Thank you!

SERVPRO of Pasadena North gets the job done! I had the pleasure of meeting the owner and he's a really sweet and humble guy. It's no wonder they provide excellent service. I love the fact that this company can also do the repairs of your home. Talk about a Restoration Company. They can take care of the damage from beginning to end -love SEVRPRO

SERVPRO never fails to meet expectations! I've called them a few times for some of our clients and they will show up in minutes. Their crew comes and starts clean up immediately and get situation under control. They are a company I can count on to always be available and do amazing work. Thanks SERVPRO for making each incident easy.